This page contains tables of contents for volumes 1–26 of Spenser Studies. Use your browser’s “Find” or “Search” function to search the page for specific keywords.
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Carl J. Rasmussen, “‘Quietnesse of Minde’: A Theatre for Worldlings as a Protestant Poetics”
Ruth Samson Luborsky, “The Allusive Presentation of The Shepheardes Calender”
Bruce R. Smith, “On Reading The Shepheardes Calender”
Judith M. Kennedy, “The Final Emblem of The Shepheardes Calender”
Alexander Dunlop, “The Drama of Amoretti”
Margreta De Grazia, “Babbling Will in Skake-speares Sonnets 127 to 154 ”
Hugh MacLachlan, “The ‘carelesse heauens’: A Study of Revenge and Atonement in The Faerie Queene”
Antionette B. Dauber, “The Art of Veiling in the Bower of Bliss”
Maren-Sofie Røstvig, “Canto Structure in Tasso and Spenser”
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Ruth Samson Luborsky, “The Illustrations to The Shepheardes Calender”
Ronald B. Bond, “Supplantation in the Elizabethan Court: The Theme of Spenser’s February Eclogue”
Louis Adrian Montrose, “Interpreting Spenser’s February Eclogue: Some Contexts and Implications ”
L. Staley Johnson, “Elizabeth, Bride and Queen: A Study of Spenser’s April Eclogue and the Metaphors of English Protestantism”
David W. Burchmore, “The Medieval Sources of Spenser’s Occasion Episode”
Walter R. Davis, “The Houses of Mortality in Book II of The Faerie Queene”
William A. Oram, “Daphnaida and Spenser’s Later Poetry”
Carl J. Rasmussen, “‘How Weak Be the Passions of Woefulness’: Spenser’s Ruines of Time”
Andrew Fichter, “‘And nought of Rome in Rome perceiu’st at all’: Spenser’s Ruines of Rome”
Roy T. Eriksen, “‘Un certo amoroso martire’: Shakespeare’s ‘The Phoenix and the Turtle’ and Giordano Bruno’s De gli eroici furori”
Sibyl Lutz Severance, “‘Some Other Figure’: The Vision of Change in Flowres of Sion, 1623”
Elaine V. Beilin, “‘The Onely Perfect Vertue’: Constancy in Mary Wroth’s Pamphilia to Amphilanthus”
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Seth Weiner, “Spenser’s Study of English Syllables and Its Completion by Thomas Campion”
Andrew V. Ettin, “The Georgics in The Faerie Queene”
Harold L. Weatherby, “‘Pourd out in Loosnesse’”
Donald V. Stump, “Isis Versus Mercilla: The Allegorical Shrines in Spenser’s Legend of Justice”
Eamon Grennan, “Language and Politics: A Note on Some Metaphors in Spenser’s A View of the Present State of Ireland”
Donald Cheney, “Tarquin, Juliet, and other Romei”
Dennis Moore, “Philisides and Mira: Autobiographical Allegory in the Old Arcadia”
Thomas P. Roche, Jr., “Astrophil and Stella: A Radical Reading”
John Hollander, “Observations on a Select Party”
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Donald Cheney, “Spenser’s Fortieth Birthday and Related Fictions”
William A. Oram, “Elizabethan Fact and Spenserian Fiction”
James P. Bednarz, “Ralegh in Spenser’s Historical Allegory”
Thomas P. Roche, Jr., “The Menace of Despair and Arthur’s Vision, Faerie Queene I.9”
Hugh MacLachlan, “The Death of Guyon and the Elizabethan Book of Homilies”
Russell J. Meyer, “‘Fixt in heauens hight’: Spenser, Astronomy, and the Date of the Cantos of Mutabilitie”
Elizabeth Bieman, “‘Sometimes I . . . mask in myrth lyke to a Comedy’: Spenser’s Amoretti”
Mary I. Oates, “Fowre Hymnes: Spenser’s Retractions of Paradise”
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Kathryn Walls, “Abessa and the Lion: The Faerie Queene, I.3.1–12”
Jacqueline T. Miller, “The Status of Faeryland: Spenser’s ‘Vniust Possession’”
David W. Burchmore, “Triamond, Agape, and the Fates: Neoplatonic Cosmology in Spenser’s Legend of Friendship”
R. J. Manning, “‘Deuicefull Sights’: Spenser’s Emblematic Practice in The Faerie Queene, V.1–3”
Seth Weiner, “Minims and Grace Notes: Spenser’s Acidalian Vision and Sixteenth-Century Music”
Harold L. Weatherby, “The Old Theology: Spenser’s Dame Nature and the Transfiguration”
Carol A. Stillman, “Politics, Precedence, and the Order of the Dedicatory Sonnets in The Faerie Queene”
Douglas Anderson, “‘Vnto My Selfe Alone’: Spenser’s Plenary Epithalamion”
Seth Lerer, “The Rhetoric of Fame: Stephen Hawes’s Aureate Diction”
Mason Tung, “Spenser’s ‘Emblematic’ Imagery: A Study of Emblematics”
Thomas P. Roche, Jr., “Autobiographical Elements in Sidney’s Astrophil and Stella”
E. Malcolm Parkinson, “Sidney’s Portrayal of Mounted Combat with Lances”
Jeffrey L. Spear, “‘The Gardin of Prosérpina This Hight’: Ruskin’s Application of Spenser and Horizons of Reception”
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John N. King, “Was Spenser a Puritan?”
Anne Lake Prescott, “The Thirsty Deer and the Lord of Life: Some Contexts for Amoretti 67–70”
Deborah Cartmell, “‘Beside the shore of siluer streaming Thamesis’: Spenser’s Ruines of Time”
Pamela J. Benson, “Florimell at Sea: The Action of Grace in Faerie Queene, Book III”
Harold L. Weatherby, “AXIOCHUS and the Bower of Bliss: Some Fresh Light on Sources and Authorship”
David O. Frantz, “The Union of Florimell and Marinell: The Triumph of Hearing”
Louise Schleiner, “Spenser and Sidney on the Vaticinium”
David J. Baker, “‘Some Quirk, Some Subtle Evasion’: Legal Subversion in Spenser’s A View of the Present State of Ireland”
Margaret P. Hannay, “Unpublished Letters by Mary Sidney, Countess of Pembroke”
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Richard Mallette, “The Protestant Art of Preaching in Book One of The Faerie Queene”
Shirley Clay Scott, “From Polydorus to Fradubio: The History of a Topos”
T. M. Krier, “The Mysteries of the Muses: Spenser’s Faerie Queene, II.3, and the Epic Tradition of the Goddess Observed”
John N. Wall, Jr., “Orion’s Flaming Head: Spenser’s Faerie Queene, II.ii.46 and the Feast of the Twelve Days of Christmas”
Philip Rollinson, “Arthur, Maleger, and the Interpretation of The Faerie Queene”
Kenneth Borris, “Fortune, Occasion, and the Allegory of the Quest in Book Six of The Faerie Queene”
Jeffrey P. Fruen, “‘True Glorious Type’: The Place of Gloriana in The Faerie Queene”
Richard C. Frushell, “Spenser and the Eighteenth-Century Schools”
Roy Neil Graves, “Two Newfound Poems by Edmund Spenser: The Buried Short-Line Runes in Epithalamion and Prothalamion”
Christopher Martin, “Sidney and the Limits of Eros”
Peggy Muñoz Simonds, “Eros and Anteros in Shakespeare’s Sonnets 153 and 154: An Iconographical Study”
Anne Lake Prescott, “Response to Deborah Cartmell, Volume VI”
James Vink, “A Concealed Figure in the Woodcut to the ‘Januarye’ Eclogue”
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Roland Greene, “The Shepheardes Calender, Dialogue, and Periphrasis”
Robert Cummings, “Spenser’s ‘Twelve Private Morall Virtues’”
Anthony M. Esolen, “Irony and the Pseudo-physical in The Faerie Queene”
Richard T. Neuse, “Planting Words in the Soul: Spenser’s Socratic Garden of Adonis”
Mark Heberle, “The Limitations of Friendship”
Julia Lupton, “Home-Making in Ireland: Virgil’s Eclogue I and Book VI of The Faerie Queene”
Michael Tratner, “‘The thing S. Paule ment by . . . the courteousness that he spake of’: Religious Sources for Book VI of The Faerie Queene”
Kenneth Borris, “‘Diuelish Ceremonies’: Allegorical Satire of Protestant Extremism in The Faerie Queene VI.viii.31–51”
Patrick Cheney, “The Old Poet Presents Himself: Prothalamion as a Defense of Spenser’s Career”
S. K. Heninger, Jr., “Spenser and Sidney at Leicester House”
Roger Kuin, “The Gaps and the Whites: Indeterminacy and Undecideability in the Sonnet Sequences of Sidney, Spenser, and Shakespeare”
Greg Kucich, “The Duality of Romantic Spenserianism”
Joseph Loewenstein, “A Note on the Structure of Spenser’s Amoretti: Viper Thoughts”
Carol V. Kaske, “Rethinking Loewenstein’s ‘Viper Thoughts’”
John N. Wall, Jr., “Orion Once More: Revisiting the Sky over Faerieland”
A. Kent Hieatt, “The Projected Continuation of The Faerie Queene: Rome Delivered?”
Thomas P. Roche, Jr., “A Reponse to A. Kent Hieatt”
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Bruce Thornton, “Rural Dialectic: Pastoral, Georgic, and The Shepheardes Calender”
Louis Waldman, “Spenser’s Pseudonym ‘E.K.’ and Humanist Self-Naming”
Shohachi Fukuda, “The Numerological Patterning of Amoretti and Epithalamion”
James H. Morey, “Spenser’s Mythic Adaptations in Muiopotmos”
Margaret Christian, “‘The ground of Storie’: Genealogy in The Faerie Queene”
Donald V. Stump, “The Two Deaths of Mary Stuart: Historical Allegory in Spenser’s Book of Justice”
Debra Belt, “Hostile Audiences and the Courteous Reader in The Faerie Queene, Book VI”
Margaret P. Hannay, “‘My Sheep are Thoughts’: Self-Reflexive Pastoral in The Faerie Queene, Book VI and the New Arcadia”
Stanley Stewart, “Spenser and the Judgment of Paris”
Anne Shaver, “Rereading Mirabella”
Willy Maley, “Spenser and Ireland: A Select Bibliography”
A. Kent Hieatt, “Arthur’s Deliverance of Rome? (Yet Again)”
Ruth Samson Luborsky, “The Illustrations to The Shepheardes Calender: II”
Alex A. Vardanis, “The Temptations of Despaire: Jeffers and The Faerie Queene”
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A. Kent Hieatt, “The Alleged Early Modern Origin of the Self and History: Terminate or Regroup?”
Anthony Di Matteo, “Spenser’s Venus-Virgo: The Poetics and Interpretive History of a Dissembling Figure”
Paula Blank, “The Dialect of the Shepheardes Calender”
Elizabeth Harris Sagaser, “Gathered in Time: Form, Meter (and Parentheses) in The Shepheardes Calender”
Lisa M. Klein, “‘Let us love, dear love, lyke as we ought’: Protestant Marriage and the Revision of Petrarchan Loving in Spenser’s Amoretti”
Wayne Erickson, “Spenser’s Letter to Ralegh and the Literary Politics of The Faerie Queene’s 1590 Publication”
James Schiavoni, “Predestination and Free Will: The Crux of Canto Ten”
Christopher Martin, “Turning Others’ Leaves: Astrophil’s Untimely Defeat”
Greg Walker, “‘Ordered Confusion’?: The Crisis of Authority in Skelton’s Speke, Parott”
Roland Greene, “Calling Colin Clout”
Elizabeth Fowler, “Misogyny and Economic Person in Skelton, Langland, and Chaucer”
Nathaniel Wallace, “Talus: Spenser’s Iron Man”
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Nancy Lindheim, “Spenser’s Virgilian Pastoral: The Case for September”
Leslie T. Whipp, “Weep for Dido: Spenser’s November Eclogue”
Anthony Esolen, “Spenserian Chaos: Lucretius in The Faerie Queene”
Jeffrey P. Fruen, “The Faery Queen Unveiled? Five Glimpses of Gloriana”
Gregory Wilkin, “Spenser’s Rehabilitation of the Templars”
Lawrence F. Rhu, “Romancing the Word: Pre-Texts and Contexts for the Errour Episode”
Wendy Raudenbush Olmsted, “Deconstruction and Spenser’s Allegory”
Richard Mallette, “Book Five of The Faerie Queene: An Elizabethan Apocalypse”
Elizabeth J. Bellamy, “The Aesthetics of Decline: Locating the Post-Epic in Literary History”
Theodore L. Steinberg, “Spenser, Sidney, and the Myth of Astrophel”
Jean R. Brink, “Constructing the View of the Present State of Ireland”
Anne Lake Prescott, “Triumphing over Death and Sin”
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Richard S. Peterson, “Laurel Crown and Ape’s Tail: New Light on Spenser’s Career from Sir Thomas Tresham”
Germaine Warkentin, “Robert Sidney’s ‘Darcke Offerings’: The Making of a Late Tudor Manuscript Canzoniere”
Spenser and Ireland
Christopher Highley, “Spenser and the Bards”
Maryclaire Moroney, “Spenser’s Dissolution: Monasticism and Ruins in The Faerie Queene and The Vewe of the Present State of Ireland”
Sue Petitt Starke, “Briton Knight or Irish Bard? Spenser’s Pastoral Persona and the Epic Project in A View and Colin Clouts”
John Breen, “‘Imaginatiue Groundplot’: A Vewe of the Present State of Ireland”
Mercedes Maroto Camino, “‘Methinks I see an evil lurk unespied’: Visualizing Conquest in Spenser’s A View of the Present State of Ireland”
Andrew Hadfield, “Certainties and Uncertainties: By Way of Response to Jean Brink”
Kerri Lynne Thomsen, “A Note on Spenser’s Translation of Culex”
John E. Curran, Jr., “Florimell’s ‘Vaine Feare’: Horace’s Ode 1.23 in The Faerie Queene III.vii.1”
Philip C. Dust, “Donne’s ‘The Damp’ as a Gloss on Spenser’s Faerie Queene, Book I”
Willy Maley, “Sir Philip Sidney and Ireland”
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Nancy Lindheim, “The Virgilian Design of The Shepheardes Calender”
Sherri Geller, “You Can’t Tell a Book by Its Contents: (Mis)Interpretation in/of Spenser’s The Shepheardes Calender”
Lynette C. Black, “Prudence in Book II of The Faerie Queene”
Matthew A. Fike, “Spenser’s Merlin Reconsidered”
Kenneth Gross, “Reflections on the Blatant Beast”
Maria R. Rohr Philmus, “The Case of the Spenserian Sonnet: A Curious Re-Creation”
Mark David Rasmussen, “Spenser’s Plaintive Muses”
Craig Rustici, “Muiopotmos: Spenser’s ‘Complaints’ against Aesthetics”
Mary Joan Cook, “The Other Meaning of ‘Bridal Day’ In Spenser’s Prothalamion”
Kenneth Borris, “Elizabethan Allegorical Epics: The Arcadias as Counterparts of The Faerie Queene”
Stephen M. Buhler, “Pre-Christian Apologetics in Spenser and Sidney: Pagan Philosophy and the Process of METANOIA”
Chauncey Wood, “‘With Wit My Wit Is Marred’: Reason, Wit, and Wittiness in Sir Philip Sidney’s Astrophil and Stella”
Jean R. Brink, “Spenser and the Irish Question: Reply to Andrew Hadfield”
Carol V. Kaske, “The Word ‘Checklaton’ and the Authorship of A Vewe”
A. Kent Hieatt, “Male Boldness and Female Rights: What the Isle of Venus Proposes”
Tom Parker, “108 Uses of 108”
Elizabeth Porges Watson, “Mr. Fox’s Mottoes in the House of Busirane”
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Andrew Hadfield, “William Kent’s Illustrations of The Faerie Queene”
Gail E. Cohee, “‘To Fashion a Noble Person’: Spenser’s Readers and the Politics of Gender”
Piotr Sadowski, “Spenser’s ‘golden squire’ and ‘golden Meane’: Numbers and Proportions in Book II of The Faerie Queene”
Margaret Christian, “‘Waves of weary wretchednesse’: Florimell and the Sea”
Mark Hazard, “The Other Apocalypse: Spenser’s Use of 2 Esdras in the Book of Justice”
Anne Lake Prescott, “Foreign Policy in Fairyland: Henri IV and Spenser’s Burbon”
Douglas A. Northrop, “The Uncertainty of Courtesy in Book VI of The Faerie Queene”
Lin Kelsey and Richard S. Peterson, “Rereading Colin’s Broken Pipe: Spenser and the Problem of Patronage”
Barbara Brumbaugh, “‘Under the pretty tales of Wolves and Sheep’: Sidney’s Ambassadorial Table Talk and Protestant Hunting Dialogues”
Elizabeth See Watson, “Spenser’s Flying Dragon and Pope Gregory XIII”
Thomas Herron, “Irish Den of Thieves: Souterrains (and a Crannog?) in Books V and VI of Spenser’s Faerie Queene”
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Susanne Woods, “Making Free with Poetry: Spenser and the Rhetoric of Choice”
Kenneth Borris, “Flesh, Spirit, and the Glorified Body: Spenser’s Anthropomorphic Houses of Pride, Holiness, and Temperance”
Joseph D. Parry, “Phaedria and Guyon: Traveling Alone in The Faerie Queene, Book II”
Kyong-Hahn Kim, “The Nationalist Drive of Spenserian Hermaphrodism in The Faerie Queene”
Donald Stump, “Fashioning Gender: Cross-Dressing in Spenser’s Legend of Britomart and Artegall”
Joseph Black, “‘Pan is Hee’: Commending The Faerie Queene”
James Fleming, “A View from the Bridge: Ireland and Violence in Spenser’s Amoretti”
Spenser and Ralegh: Four Papers in Exchange
William A. Oram, “What did Spenser Really Think of Sir Walter Ralegh When He Published the First Installment of The Faerie Queene?”
Wayne Erickson, “Spenser Reads Ralegh’s Poetry in(to) the 1590 Faerie Queene”
Jerome S. Dees, “Colin Clout and the Shepherd of the Ocean”
Michael Rudick, “Three Views on Ralegh and Spenser: A Comment”
Christopher Warley, “‘An Englishe box’: Calvinism and Commodities in Anne Lok’s A Meditation of a Penitent Sinner”
Andrew Hadfield, “Spenser and Chaucer: The Knight’s Tale and Artegall’s Response to the Giant with the Scales (Faerie Queene V.ii.41–42)”
Richard F. Hardin, “Spenser’s Aesculapius Episode and the English Mummers’ Play”
Lydia M. McGrew, “A Neglected Gauntlet: J. W. Bennett and the Date of Amoretti 62”
Alexander Dunlop, “Sonnet LXII and Beyond ”
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Roger Kuin, “The Double Helix: Private and Public in The Faerie Queene”
Laurel L. Hendrix, “Pulchritudo vincit?: Emblematic Reversals in Spenser’s House of Busirane”
Frank Ardolino, “The Effect of the Defeat of the Spanish Armada on Spenser’s Complaints”
Lee Piepho, “The Shepheardes Calender and Neo-Latin Pastoral: A Book Newly Discovered to Have Been Owned by Spenser”
D. Allen Carroll, “Thomas Watson and the 1588 MS Commendation of The Faerie Queene: Reading the Rebuses”
Clare R. Kinney, “‘What s/he ought to have been’: Romancing Truth in Spencer Redivivus”
Jialuan Hu, “Spenser in Chinese Translation”
Scott Lucas, “Diggon Davie and Davy Dicar: Edmund Spenser, Thomas Churchyard, and the Poetics of Public Protest”
Hannibal Hamlin, “Another Version of Pastoral: English Renaissance Translations of Psalm 23”
Barbara Brumbaugh, “Temples Defaced and Altars in the Dust: Edwardian and Elizabethan Church Reform and Sidney’s ‘Now Was Our Heav’nly Vault Deprived of the Light’”
Robert E. Stillman, “Deadly Stinging Adders: Sidney’s Piety, Philippism, and the Defence of Poesy”
Matthew Steggle, “Weighing Winged Words: An Intertext in The Faerie Queene V.ii”
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M. L. Donnelly, “The Life of Vergil and the Aspirations of the ‘New Poet’”
Benedict S. Robinson, “The ‘Secret Faith’ of Spenser’s Saracens”
Andrew Escobedo, “Despair and the Proportion of the Self”
Beth Quitslund, “Despair and the Composition of the Self”
Ty Buckman, “‘Just Time Expired’: Succession Anxieties and the Wandering Suitor in Spenser’s Faerie Queene”
Judith H. Anderson, “Busirane’s Place: The House of Rhetoric”
Mary R. Bowman, “Distressing Irena: Gender, Conquest, and Justice in Book V of The Faerie Queene”
Lin Kelsey, “Spenser, Ralegh, and the Language of Allegory”
Alan Stewart and Garrett A. Sullivan, Jr., “‘Worme-eaten, and full of canker holes’: Materializing Memory in The Faerie Queene and Lingua”
Clare R. Kinney, “‘Beleeve this butt a fiction’: Female Authorship, Narrative Undoing, and the Limits of Romance in The Second Part of the Countess of Montgomery’s Urania”
David Scott Wilson-Okamura, “Republicanism, Nostalgia, and the Crowd”
Andrew Hadfield, “Was Spenser Really a Republican After All?: A Response to David Scott Wilson-Okamura”
Richard McNamara, “Spenser’s Dedicatory Sonnets to the 1590 Faerie Queene: An Interpretation of the Blank Sonnet”
Andrew Hadfield, “Robert Parsons/Richard Verstegen and the Calling-in of Mother Hubberds Tale”
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Theresa Krier, John Watkins, and Patrick Cheney, “Introduction”
I. Spenser Fashioning a Past: Nostalgia and Irony
Elizabeth J. Bellamy, “Wind in Spenser’s Isis Church”
Clare R. Kinney, “Marginal Presence, Lyric Resonance, Epic Absence: Troilus and Criseyde and/in The Shepheardes Calender”
John Watkins, “Polemic and Nostalgia: Medieval Crosscurrents in Spenser’s Allegory of Pride”
Andrew King, “Lines of Authority: The Genealogical Theme in The Faerie Queene”
II. Spenser and the Renaissance: Giving Representation to Struggle
Harry Berger, Jr., “Wring Out the Old: Squeezing the Text, 1951–2001”
Gordon Braden, “Humble Pride and the Petrarchan Happy Ending”
Patrick C. Cheney, “From Dido to Daphne: Early Modern Death in Spenser’s Shorter Poems”
Graham Hammill, “‘The thing/Which never was’: Republicanism and The Ruines of Time”
Mary Ellen Lamb, “The Red Crosse Knight, St. George, and the Appropriation of Popular Culture”
Bart Van Es, “‘The Streame and Currant of Time’: Land, Myth, and History in the Works of Spenser”
Grant Williams, “Phantastes’s Flies: The Trauma of Amnesic Enjoyment in Spenser’s Memory Palace”
Galina I. Yermolenko, “‘That troublous dreame’: Allegory, Narrative, and Subjectivity in The Faerie Queene”
III. Spenser Opening to the Future
A. C. Hamilton, “Reminiscences of the Study of Spenser in Cambridge in the Late 1940s”
Thomas P. Roche, Jr., “Spenser, Pembroke, and the Fifties”
Elizabeth D. Harvey, “Sensational Bodies, Consenting Organs: Helkiah Crooke’s Incorporation of Spenser”
Theresa Krier, “Daemonic Allegory: The Elements in Late Spenser, Late Shakespeare, and Irigaray”
Gordon Teskey, “‘And therefore as a stranger give it welcome’: Courtesy and Thinking”
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Lauren Silberman, “The Faerie Queene, Book V, and the Politics of the Text”
Jeff Dolven, “The Method of Spenser’s Stanza”
Kenneth Gross, “Shapes of Time: On the Spenserian Stanza”
Shohachi Fukuda, “The Numerological Patterning of The Faerie Queene I–III”
Andrew Wallace, “‘Noursled up in life and manners wilde’: Spenser’s Georgic Educations”
Todd Butler, “That ‘Saluage Nation’: Contextualizing the Multitudes in Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene”
Paul Suttie, “Moral Ambivalence in the Legend of Temperence”
James W. Broaddus, “Renaissance Psychology and the Defense of Alma’s Castle”
Raphael Lyne, “Grille’s Moral Dialogue: Spenser and Plutarch”
Alexandra Block and Eric Rothstein, “Argument and ‘Representation’ in The Faerie Queene, Book III”
Jason Gleckman, “Providential Love and Suffering in The Faerie Queene, Book III”
Frank Ardolino, “Spenser’s Allusion to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada in Virgil’s Gnat (550–92)”
Thomas Herron, “Exotic Beasts: The Earl of Ormond and Nicholas Dawtry in Mother Hubberds Tale?”
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Robert Ellrodt, “Fundamental Modes of Thought, Imagination, and Sensibility in the Poetry of Edmund Spenser”
William A. Oram, “Spenser in Search of an Audience: the Kathleen Williams Lecture for 2004”
Christine Coch, “The Trials of Art: Testing Temperance in the Bower of Bliss and Diana’s Grove at Nonsuch”
Ayesha Ramachandran, “Clarion in the Bower of Bliss: Poetry and Politics in Spenser’s ‘Muiopotmos’”
Emily A. Bernhard Jackson, “‘Ah, who can love the worker of her smart?’: Anatomy, Religion, and the Puzzle of Amoret’s Heart”
Rebecca Yearling, “Florimel’s Girdle: Reconfiguring Chastity in The Faerie Queene”
Hossein Pirnajmuddin, “The ‘antique guize’: Persia in The Faerie Queene”
D. Allen Carroll, “The Meaning of ‘E.K.’”
Steven W. May, “Henry Gurney, a Norfolk Farmer, Reads Spenser and Others”
Tamara A. Goeglein, “Reading English Ramist Logic Books as Modern Emblem Books: The Case of Abraham Fraunce”
Anthony Miller, “Red Crosse’s Imprisonment and Foxe’s Inquisition”
Jason Lawrence, “Calidore fra i pastori: Spenser’s Return to Tasso in The Faerie Queene Book VI”
James Schiavoni, “Spenser’s Augustine”
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Theresa Krier, “Time Lords: Rhythm and Interval in Spenser’s Stanzaic Narrative”
Steven K. Galbraith, “Spenser’s First Folio: The Build-It-Yourself Edition”
Patrick Perkins, “Spenser’s Dragon and the Law”
Kirsten Tranter, “‘The sea it selfe doest thou not plainely see?’: Reading The Faerie Queene, Book V”
A. E. B. Coldiron, “The Widow’s Mite and the Value of Praise: Commendatory Verses and an Unrecorded Marginal Poem in LSU’s copy of The Faerie Queene 1590”
Kenneth Borris, “Sub Rosa: Pastorella’s Allegorical Homecoming, and Closure in the 1596 Faerie Queene”
Matthew Woodcock, “Spenser and Olaus Magnus: A Reassessment”
Judith H. Anderson, “Patience and Passion in Shakespeare and Milton”
Barbara Brumbaugh, “Edgar’s Wolves as ‘Romish’ Wolves: John Bale, Before Sidney and Spenser”
Andrew Zurcher, “Spenser’s Studied Archaism: The Case of ‘Mote’”
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David Galbraith and Theresa Krier, “Spenser’s Book of Living”
Paul Stevens, “Spenser and the End of the British Empire”
Judith Owens, “Memory Works in The Faerie Queene”
Richard A. McCabe, “‘Thine owne nations frend/And Patrone’: The Rhetoric of Petition in Harvey and Spenser”
James Nohrnberg, “Alençon’s Dream/Dido’s Tomb: Some Shakespearean Music and a Spenserian Muse”
Gordon Teskey, “Thinking Moments in The Faerie Queene”
Rebeca Helfer, “Remembering Sidney, Remembering Spenser: The Art of Memory and The Ruines of Time”
Andrew Wallace, “Edmund Spenser and the Place of Commentary”
Lindsay Ann Reid, “Certamen, Interpretation, and Ovidian Narration in The Faerie Queene III.ix–xii”
Linda Gregerson, “Spenser’s Georgic: Violence and the Gift of Place”
Andrew Escobedo, “Daemon Lovers: Will, Personification, and Character”
Elizabeth Jane Bellamy, “Spenser’s ‘Open’”
Joseph Loewenstein, “Gryll’s Hoggish Mind”
Elizabeth D. Harvey, “Nomadic Souls: Pythagoras, Spenser, Donne”
Garrett A. Sullivan, Jr., Afterword
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Three Essays on the English Shepheardes Calender
F. W. Brownlow, “The British Church in The Shepheardes Calender”
Steven Galbraith, “‘English’ Black-Letter Type and Spenser’s Shepheardes Calender”
Catherine Nicholson, “Pastoral in Exile: Spenser and the Poetics of English Alienation”
Daniel Moss, “Spenser’s Despair and God’s Grace”
Judith H. Anderson, “Flowers and Boars: Surmounting Sexual Binarism in Spenser’s Garden of Adonis”
Brad Tuggle, “Memory, Aesthetics, and Ethical Thinking in the House of Busirane”
Sean Henry, “How doth the little Crocodile improve his shining Tale: Contextualizing the Crocodile of Prosopopoia: Or Mother Hubberds Tale”
Rachel E. Hile, “Louis du Guernier’s Illustrations for the John Hughes Edition of The Works of Mr. Edmund Spenser (1715)”
David Scott Wilson-Okamura, “Errors about Ovid and Romance”
Bas Jongenelen and Ben Parsons, “The Sonnets of Het Bosken by Jan Van der Noot”
On the Margins of The Faerie Queene
Tianhu Hao, “An Early Modern Reader of The Faerie Queene”
Anne Lake Prescott, “Two Copies of the 1596 Faerie Queene: Annotations and an Unpublished Poem on Spenser”
David Scott Wilson-Okamura, “When Did Spenser Read Tasso?”
Lauren Silberman, “‘Perfect Hole’: Spenser and Greek Romance”
William E. Bolton, “Anglo-Saxons in Faerie Land?: A Note on Some Unlikely Characters in Spenser’s Britain moniments”
Rebecca Olson, “A Closer Look at Spenser’s “Clothes of Arras and of Toure”
Fred Blick, “Spenser’s Amoretti and Elizabeth Boyle: Her Names Immortalized”
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Introduction: Spenser and Platonism
Carol Kaske, Hallmarks of Platonism and the Sons of Agape (Faerie Queene IV. ii–iv)
Valery Rees, Ficinian Ideas in the Poetry of Edmund Spenser
Eugene D. Hill, Everard Digby: A Syncretic Philosopher at Spenser’s Cambridge
Anne Lake Prescott, Hills of Contemplation and Signifying Circles: Spenser and Guy Le Fèvre de la Boderie
Andrew Escobedo, The Sincerity of Rapture
Kenneth Borris, Platonism and Spenser’s Poetic: Idealized Imitation, Merlin’s Mirror, and the Florimells
Catherine Gimelli Martin, Spenser’s Neoplatonic Geography of the Passions: Mapping Allegory in the “Legend of Temperance,” Faerie Queene, Book II
Jon Quitslund, Melancholia, Mammon, and Magic
Kenneth Gross, Green Thoughts in a Green Shade
Ayesha Ramachandran, Edmund Spenser, Lucretian Neoplatonist: Cosmology in the Fowre Hymnes
Paul Suttie, The Lost Cause of Platonism in The Faerie Queene
Forum: The Relation of the Fowre Hymnes to The Faerie Queene
Richard McCabe, Spenser, Plato, and the Poetics of State
Kenneth Borris, Reassessing Ellrodt: Critias and the Fowre Hymnes in The Faerie Queene
Gordon Teskey, A Retrograde Reading of Spenser’s Fowre Hymnes
Jon Quitslund, Thinking about Thinking in the Fowre Hymnes
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Andrew Hadfield, Spenser and Jokes (The 2008 Kathleen Williams Lecture)
Tamara A. Goeglein, The Emblematics of Edmund Spenser’s House of Holiness
Kathryn Walls, Spenser’s Adiaphoric Dwarf
Andrew Mattison, The Indescribable Landscape: Water, Shade, and Land in the Bower of Bliss
Jessica C. Murphy, “Of the sicke virgin”: Britomart, Greensickness, and the Man in the Mirror
John D. Staines, Pity and the Authority of Feminine Passions in Books V and VI of The Faerie Queene
Mary Villeponteaux, Dangerous Judgments: Elizabethan Mercy in The Faerie Queene
Elizabeth M. Weixel, Squires of the Wood: The Decline of the Aristocratic Forest in Book VI of The Faerie Queene
Bruce Danner, Retrospective Fiction-making and the “secrete” of the 1591 Virgils Gnat
William P. Weaver, Paraphrase and Patronage in Virgils Gnat
Paul J. Hecht, Letters for the Dogs: Chasing Spenserian Alliteration
Richard S. Peterson, Enuies Scourge, and Vertues Honour: A Rare Elegy for Spenser
Tom Muir, Specters of Spenser: Translating the Antiquitez
Judith Anderson, Spenser’s Faerie Queene and Cicero’s De oratore
Beatrice Groves, The Redcrosse Knight and “The George”
Tobias Griffin, A Good Fit: Bryskett and the Bowre of Bliss
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David Scott Wilson-Okamura, “Problems in the Virgilian Career”
Lee Piepho, “Edmund Spenser and Continental Humanism: The St. George Legend in The Faerie Queene, Book I, and Mantuan’s Georgius”
Kathryn Walls, “The ‘Cupid and Psyche’ Fable of Apuleius and Guyon’s Underworld Adventure in The Faerie Queene II.vii.3–viii.8”
Vaughn Stewart, “Friends, Rivals, and Revisions: Chaucer’s Squire’s Tale and Amis and Amiloun in The Faerie Queene, Book IV”
Three Pieces on The Shepheardes Calender
James Kearney, “Reformed Ventriloquism: The Shepheardes Calender and the Craft of Commentary”
Richard E. Lynn, “Ewe/Who?: Recreating Spenser’s March Eclogue”
Megan L. Cook, “Making and Managing the Past: Lexical Commentary in Spenser’s Shepheardes Calender (1579) and Chaucer’s Works (1598/1602)”
Mary L. Dudy, “‘Fool . . . Look in Thy Heart and Write’: W. B. Yeats’s Return to English Renaissance Poetry in ‘The Circus Animals’ Desertion’”
David Lee Miller, “Laughing at Spenser’s Daphnaida”
Bruce Danner, “‘so well he wrought her’: Notes upon a Spenserian Echo”
James Doelman, “Spenser’s ‘Theana’: Two Notes”
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Carol Kaske, “Chivalric Idealism versus Pragmatism in Spenser and Malory: Taking up Arms in a Wrongful Quarrel” (The Kathleen Williams Lecture, 2010)
Jonathan E. Lux, “‘Th’eternal Brood of Glorie Excellent’: Infants and the Battle for the Future in The Faerie Queene”
Sean Henry, “Hot and Bothered: The Lions of Amoretti 20 and The Faerie Queene I”
Michael Ullyot, “Spenser and the Matter of Poetry”
Judith H. Anderson, “Milton’s Compressed Memory in Areopagitica of Spenser’s Cave of Mammon”
Gillian Hubbard, “‘Send your angel’: Augustinian Nests and Guyon’s Faint’
Rachel Eisendrath, “Art and Objectivity in the House of Busirane”
Patricia Wareh, “Competitions in Nobility and Courtesy: Nennio and the Reader’s Judgment in Book VI of The Faerie Queene”
Evan Gurney, “Spenser’s ‘May’ Eclogue and Charitable Admonition”
Lauren Silberman, “Aesopian Prosopopoia: Making Faces and Playing Chicken in Mother Hubberds Tale”
Debra Rienstra, “‘Disorder Best Fit’: Henry Lok and Holy Disorder in Devotional Lyric”
Rachel E. Hile, “Spenserianism and Satire before and after the Bishops’ Ban: Evidence from Thomas Middleton”
Joe Moshenska, “‘Spencerus isthic conditur’: Kenelm Digby’s Transcription of William Alabaster”
Andrew Hadfield, “A Mortgage Agreement of Hugolin Spenser, Edmund Spenser’s Grandson”
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Three Essays on Spenser and the Twentieth Century
Jane Grogan, “Spenser’s Lost Children”
William Blissett, “‘Who Knows Not Colin Clout?’: Spenser and the Poets of the Mid-Twentieth Century”
Joseph F. Lowenstein, “The Poet’s Poet’s Poet: James Merrill’s Spenser Lectures”
Andrew Sisson, “After Rome; or, Why Spenser Was Not a Republican”
Peter Remien, “Silvan Matters: Error and Instrumentality in Book I of The Faerie Queene”
Chris Barrett, “Cetaceous Sin and Dragon Death: The Faerie Queene, Natural Philosophy, and the Limits of Allegory”
Stephanie Elsky, “‘Wonne with Custome’: Conquest and Etymology in the Spenser-Harvey Letters and A View of the Present State of Ireland”
Mark Stephenson, “Poets in the House of Pride: Of ‘Noble Personage[s],’ the Sonnet to Ormond, and the Faerie Queene’s ‘many Bardes’”
Thomas Herron, “Outfoxed? Mother Hubberd’s Tale, Adam Loftus, and Lord Burleigh in Irish Context”
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