This page contains tables of contents for volumes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 of 1650–1850. Volumes 1–5 are forthcoming. Use your browser’s “Find” or “Search” function to search the page for specific keywords.
Volume 6
ISBN 0-404-64406-6
Editor: Kevin L. Cope
Book Review Editor: Anna Battigelli
George Rousseau, “Towards a Geriatric Enlightenment”
William Walker, “Addison’s Mastery of Locke”
James G. Basker, “Smollett’s Racial Consciousness in Roderick Random”
Charles E. Gobin, “Dangerous Persuasions: Correspondence as Presence in Clarissa”
Beth Swan, “Raped by the System: An Account of Clarissa in the Light of Eighteenth-Century Law”
Sandra Sherman, “The Law, Confinement, and Disruptive Excess in Hays’s The Victim of Prejudice”
Donna Patterson, “Foliation Jokes in Tristram Shandy”
John L. Mahoney, “The True Story: Poetic Law and License in Johnson’s Criticism”
Theodore E. D. Braun, “Chaos, Contingency, and Candide”
Jack Fruchtman, “The Aesthetics of Terror: Burke’s Sublime and Helen Maria Williams’s Visions of Anti-Eden”
Barbara Widenor Maggs, “Cosmopolitanism in Early Travel Literature: Alexandre de Rhodes in Vietnam”
David Allen, “Greeks, Indians, and the Scottish Presbyterian: Dissident Arguments for Vegetarianism in Enlightenment Scotland”
Steven Raynie, “Intermediality and the ‘Necessary Connection’ in Fuseli’s Remarks on the Writing and Conduct of J. J. Rousseau”
Louise Ellen Brown, “An Essay Suggesting an Important Application of the Highland Music: Moral Sentiment and the Oeconomic Ode”
John L. Mahoney, “Contemporary Attitudes toward Biography and the Case of W. Jackson Bate’s Samuel Johnson (In memoriam: Walter Jackson Bate)”
Book Reviews
Peter S. Fosl: Lisa T. Sarasohn, Gassendi’s Ethics: Freedom in a Mechanistic Universe
Scott Paul Gordon: J. Douglas Canfield, Trickster’s and Estates: On the Ideology of Restoration Comedy
Jeslyn Medoff: Katherine M. Quinsey, ed., Broken Boundaries: Women and Feminism in Restoration Drama
Eben Wood: Rose A Zimbardo, At Zero Point: Discourse, Culture, and Satire in Restoration England
Yvonne Noble: Jayne Elizabeth Lewis, The English Fable: Aesop and Literary Culture
Simon Varey: Howard Erskine-Hill, Poetry of Opposition and Resolution: Dryden to Wordsworth
David Evans: Patrick Brantlinger, Fictions of State: Culture and Credit in Britain, 1694–1994, and Sandra Sherman, Finance and Fictionality in the Early Eighteenth Century
Judith Dorn: Everett Zimmerman, The Boundaries of Fiction: History and the Eighteenth-Century British Novel
Peter J. Connolly: Helen Deutsch, Resemblance and Disgrace: Alexander Poe and the Deformation of Culture
David Mazella: Jonathan Lamb, The Rhetoric of Suffering: Reading the Book of Job in the Eighteenth Century
John Dussinger: Alexander Pettit, Illusory Consensus: Bolingbroke and the Polemical Response to Walpole, 1730–1737
Steven R. Price: Albert J. Rivero, ed., New Essays on Samuel Richardson
Alexander Pettit: Jerry C. Beasley, Tobias Smollett, Novelist
David Hill Radcliffe: Mark Storey, Robert Southey: A Life
Janine Barchas: Anthony Grafton, The Footnote: A Curious History
Editor’s Choice—Underapplauded Books: Janine Barchas (with the editorial collaboration of Gordon D. Fulton, The Annotations in Lady Bradshaigh’s Copy of Clarissa; H. T. Dickinson, ed., William Pulteney, A Proper Reply to a Late Scurrilous Libel; Intitled, Sedition and Defamation Display’d (1731); University of Zagreb and Faculty, eds., Nikola Škrlec Lomnicki, 1729–1799
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Volume 7
ISBN 0-404-64407-4
Editor: Kevin L. Cope
Book Review Editor: Anna Battigelli
Alexander Pettit, “Pope and Defoe: Satire and National Regeneration”
Richard Frohock, “Tattoos and Nose Rings: Lionel Wafer’s Immersion in Cuna Culture”
James Buickerood, “Two Dissertations Concerning Sense, and the Imagination. With an Essay on Consciousness (1728): A Study in Attribution”
Joseph Bartolomeo, “Plotting the ‘Masculine’ and ‘Feminine’ Hero: Joseph Andrews and David Simple”
Francis Steen, “A Story to Kill For”
Susan Goulding, “‘Mourn, Mourn Ye Muses’: Eighteenth-Century Women as Elegists”
Debra Taylor, “Fatal Missteps: Death in Hogarth’s Engravings”
James P. Myers, Jr., “Torture, Scalping, and Desecration of the Dead on Pennsylvania’s Pre-Revolutionary War Frontier”
Lance Wilcox, “Healing and the Lacerated Mind: Samuel Johnson’s Strategies of Consolation”
Jack Fruchtman, Jr., “Death and Benjamin Franklin”
Henry L. Fulton, “What Would Hospice Do? The Wretched Death of the Villain Zeluco”
Lisa Berglund, “‘Look, My Lord, It Comes’: The Approach of Death in the Life of Johnson”
John E. Grant, “The Powers of ‘Death’ in Blake’s Night Thoughts Engravings”
Mary Rose Kasraie, “‘Death Wears an Angel’s Face’: Judith Sargent Murray and the Universalist Way of Death”
Erlis Wickersham, “Death and Transfiguration: Ottilie and Eduard in Goethe’s Elective Affinities”
Bhijraj Singh, “Female Infanticide and the Raj”
Rosalee Stilwell, “Death and its Rhetoric in The Old Redstone Presbytery: Anecdotes of Scotch-Irish Settlers in Western Pennsylvania”
David Mazella, “‘The Very Dogs Licked the Sores of Lazarus’: Hobbes and Bramhall’s Debate on Free-Will”
John J. Burke, Jr., “‘Johnson as Zeus, Boswell as Danaë: Que(e)r(y)ing Sex and Gender Roles in Boswell’s Life of Johnson”
J. Martin Stafford, “Mandeville’s Contemporary Critics”
Gerard Reedy, SJ, “Review Essay: The Philosophy of Edward Stillingfleet, Including his Replies to John Locke, Edited and Introduced by G. A. J. Rogers, with a Preface by Alan P. F. Sell”
Book Reviews
Peter S. Fosl: Reid Barbour, English Epicures and Stoics: Ancient Legacies in Early Stuart Culture
Su Fang Ng: Robert McMahon, The Two Poets of “Paradise Lost”
Alan DeGooyer: William Kolbrener, Milton’s Warring Angels: A Study of Critical Engagements
Keith Bodner: Marcus Walsh, Shakespeare, Milton, and Eighteenth-Century Literary Editing: The Beginnings of Interpretative Scholarship
Jack Lynch: Blanford Parker, The Triumph of Augustan Poetics: English Literary Culture from Butler to Johnson
Catherine Craft-Fairchild: Paula McDowell, The Women of Grub Street: Press, Politics, and Gender in the London Literary Marketplace, 1678–1730
Karen V. Zagrodnik: William B. Warner, Licensing Entertainment: The Elevation of Novel-Reading in Great Britain, 1684–1750
Kevin L. Cope: David Blewett, The Illustration of Robinson Crusoe, 1719–1920
Keith Bodner: Liz Bellamy, Commerce, Morality, and the Eighteenth-Century Novel
Anna Battigelli: Steven N. Zwicker, ed., The Cambridge Companion to English Literature, 1650–1740
Roger D. Lund: Steven Shapin, The Scientific Revolution
David Evans: Raymond D. Tumbleson, Catholicism in the English Protestant Imagination: Nationalism, Religion, and Literature, 1660–1745
Jennifer Andersen: Adrian Johns, The Nature of the Book: Print and Knowledge in the Making
Kathleen Leicht: Robert W. Jones, Gender and the Formation of Taste in Eighteenth-Century Britain: The Analysis of Beauty
Barbara M. Benedict: Clifford Siskin, The Work of Writing: Literature and Social Change in Britain, 1700–1830
Lana Cable: Kevin Sharpe and Steven N. Zwicker, eds., Refiguring Revolutions: Aesthetics and Politics from the English Revolution to the Romantic Revolution
Laura J. Rosenthal: Linda Troost and Sayre Greenfield, eds., Jane Austen in Hollywood
Editor’s Choice—Underapplauded Books: Matthew Spalding, ed., The Founder’s Almanac: A Practical Guide to the Notable Events, Greatest Leaders, and Most Eloquent Words of the American Founding Fathers
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Volume 8
ISBN 0-404-64408-2
Editor: Kevin L. Cope
Book Review Editor: Anna Battigelli
Howard Weinbrot, “The Politics of Samuel Johnson and the Johnson of Politics: An Innocent Looks at Controversy”
J. T. Scanlan, “Johnson and Pufendorf”
Charles H. Hinnant, “‘An Uniform and Tractable Vice’: Samuel Johnson and the Transformation of the Passions into Interests”
E. M. Dadlez, “A Common Sense and Point of View”
Kathryn Duncan, “‘To Put ’Em in Mind of Home’: Piracy and National Identity in Eighteenth-Century Print Culture”
Murray Brown, “Philippe Jacques De Loutherbourgh’s A Midsummer Afternoon with a Methodist Preacher: Swedenborg, Wesley, and the Gospel According to Luke”
James Knowlton, “Johann Georg Sulzer and the Montagsklub in Berlin”
Marvin Sterne, “Loyalty Knows No Shame: A Portrait—and its Reproductions—in British Colonial Conflict”
Andrew Barclay, “James II’s ‘Catholic’ Court”
Paul A Hopkins, “William Penn and James II: Support and Ambivalence”
Edward Corp, “James II’s Reflections on Kingship: ‘For My Son, the Prince of Wales’”
Lionel Glassey, “The Provinces During the Interregnume of 1688–1689: King James’s Flight and its Consequences”
Anne Barbeau Gardiner, “For the Sake of Liberty of Consciousness: Pierre Bayle’s Passionate Defense of James III”
Margaret Reeves, “History, Fiction, and Political Identity: Heroic Rebellion in Aphra Behn’s Love-letters Between a Nobleman and his Sister and Oronooko”
Regina Janes, “Jonathan Swift Bounces a Head”
Robert Mitchell, “The Violence of Sympathy: Adam Smith on Resentment and Executions”
Book Reviews
Jennifer Andersen: David Norbrook, Writing the English Republic: Poetry, Rhetoric, and Politics, 1627–1660
Melissa Mowry: J. Douglas Canfield, Heroes and States: On the Ideology of Restoration Tragedy
Jan Golinski: Mary Baine Campbell, Wonder and Science: Imagining Worlds in Early Modern Europe
Jack Lynch: Joseph Levine, Between the Ancients and the Moderns: Baroque Culture in Restoration England
John O’Neill: Margaret J. M. Ezell, Social Authorship and the Advent of Print
Jennifer C. Garden: Josephine Donovan, Women and the Rise of the Novel, 1405–1726
Marilyn Morris: Heinz-Joachim Müllenbrock, The Culture of Contention: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Public Controversy about the Ending of the War of the Spanish Succession, 1710–1713
Kathryn Duncan: Hans Turley, Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash: Piracy, Sexuality, and Masculine Identity
Stephen D. Schweratzky: David Venturo, Johnson the Poet: The Poetic Career of Samuel Johnson
Matthew M. Davis: Robert DeMaria, Samuel Johnson and the Life of Reading
Kathleen Leicht: Philip E. Baruth, ed., Introducing Charlotte Charke: Actress, Author, Enigma
John P. Zomchick: Rosamarie Loretelli and Roberto de Romanis, eds., Narrating Transgressions: Representations of the Criminal in Early Modern England
Paula R. Backscheider: Jacqueline Pearson, Women’s Readings in Britain, 1750–1835
Denise Vultee: Jason Whittaker, William Blake and the Myths of Britain
Peter Wagner—Resource Evaluation: Hogarth and Dürer: An Evaluation of Albrecht Dürer, Das Druckgraphische Werk, Volume I: Kupferstiche, Eisenradierungen, und Kaltnadelblätter
Editor’s Choice—Underapplauded Books: Jens Martn Gurr, Tristram Shandy and the Dialectic of Enlightenment; Malcolm Jack, William Beckford: An English Fidalgo; Sayre Greenfield, The Ends of Allegory
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Volume 9
ISBN 0-404-64409-0
Editor: Kevin L. Cope
Book Review Editor: Anna Battigelli
Kathryn King, “Effeminate Pacifists and War-Mongering Women: Thoughts on War and Peace in the Long Eighteenth Century”
Susan Mitchell Sommers, “Ebenezer Sibley and the Royal Ark Masons”
Karen Swallow Prior, “Hannah More, the Didactic Tradition, and the Rise of the English Novel”
Jürgen Klein, “Aesthetics of Coldness: The Romantic Scene and a Glimpse at Baudelaire”
Michael Karounos, “The Theory of the Dynamic Erotic”
Sandra Sherman, “Impotence and Capital: The Debate over Imported Beverages in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries”
Alice Mathews, “Eve’s ‘Sweet Converse’: Conversational Patterns in Paradise Lost”
Nicholas Hudson, “‘The Alphabet of Nature’: Writing as Trope in Early Modern Scientific and Philosophical Discourse”
Chester Chapin, “Samuel Johnson on Education and the English Class Structure”
Chantal Lavoie, “Poems by Eminent Ladies: The Encyclopedic Anthology of 1755”
Katherine Ahrens, “Castrati and the Masquerade of the Eighteenth Century: Farinelli and Sitwell”
William H. Epstein, “Remembering the Past: Eaves and Kimpel’s Richardson and the Uses of Literary Biography”
Carol Houlihan Flynn, “The Uses and Abuses of Biography: Incendiary Information”
Murray L. Brown, “T. C. Duncan Eaves, Ben D. Kimpel, and the Life: A Brief and Apologetic Memoir”
Catherine N. Parke, “‘Definitive,’ ‘Exhaustive,’ and ‘Rather Old-Fashioned’: Scholarly Biography on the Cusp of Critical Change”
Janet E. Aikins, Afterword
Book Reviews
Laura Rosenthal: Tiffany Stern, Rehearsal from Shakespeare to Sheridan
Peter Fosl: Zakiya Hanafi, The Monster in the Machine: Magic, Medicine, and the Marvelous in the Time of the Scientific Revolution
David Venturo: Anne Barbeau Gardiner, Ancient Faith and Modern Freedom in John Dryden’s “The Hind and the Panther”
David Bywaters: Paul Hammond, Dryden and the Traces of Classical Rome
Paul Johnston: John Evelyn, Elysium Britannicum, or The Royal Gardens, ed. by John E. Ingram
Irene Beesemyer: John A Vance, William Wycherley and the Comedy of Fear
Kevin L. Cope: Ronald Paulson, Don Quixote in England
Gita May: Elizabeth Rose Wingrove, Rousseau’s Republican Romance
Steven D. Scherwatzky: Lawrence Lipking, Samuel Johnson: The Life of an Author
Melissa W. Roth: Ann Messenger, Woman and Poet in the Eighteenth Century: The Life of Mary Whately Darwall (1738–1825)
Edward T. Larkin: Nicholas Boyle, Goethe. The Poet and the Age. Volume II: Revolution and Renunciation, 1790–1803
Michael J. Schwartz: John Rieder, Wordsworth’s Counterrevolutionary Turn: Community, Virtue, and Vision in the 1790s
David Hill Radcliffe: John Barrell, Imagining the King’s Death: Figurative Treason, Fantasies of Regicide, 1793–1796
David Evans: Robin Jarvis, Romantic Writing and Pedestrian Travel
Linda Troost and Sayre Greenfield: Deirdre Lynch, ed., Janeites: Austen’s Disciples and Devotees
David Evans: Chloe Chard, Travel Writing and Imaginative Geography 1600–1830
Jennifer Garlen: Devoney Looser, British Women Writers and the Writing of History, 1670–1820
Daniel J. Ennis: William J. Burling, Summer Theatre in London, 1661–1820, and the Rise of the Haymarket Theatre
Heidi Kaufman: Richard A. Barney, Plots of Enlightenment: Education and the Novel in Eighteenth-Century England
Melissa Mowry: Bradford K. Mudge, The Whore’s Story: Women, Pornography, and the British Novel, 1684–1830
Scott Paul Gordon: Markman Ellis, The History of Gothic Fictions
William T. Lynch: R. C. Olby, G. N. Cantor, J. R. R. Christie, and M. J. S. Hodge, eds., Companion to the History of Modern Science
Jack Lynch: John Sitter, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Eighteenth-Century Poetry
Editor’s Choice—Underapplauded Books: Malcolm Jack, Sintra: A Glorious Eden; Dennis Brailsford, A Taste for Diversions: Sport in Georgian England
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Volume 10
ISBN 0-404-64410-4
Editor: Kevin L. Cope
Book Review Editor: Scott Paul Gordon
William Kolbrener, “‘Forced into an Interest’: High Church Politics and Feminine Agency in the Works of Mary Astell”
Anja Müller, “Picturing Aesops: Revisions of Aesop’s Fables from L’Estrange to Richardson”
Michael Meyer, “Mary Leapor: The Female Body and the Body of her Texts”
Irene Basey Beesemyer, “Crusoe the Isolato: Daniel Defoe Wrestles with Solitude”
Betty Rizzo, “The Devil in Tom Jones”
Brett C. McInelly, “Domestic and Colonial Space in Humphry Clinker”
Robert B. Craig, “The Glass Armonica: Its Development, Use, and Misuse as a Musical Instrument of Social Change in the Eighteenth Century”
R. Christopher Coski, “Condillac’s Modernization of Rationalist Language Theory: Evidence, Propositions, and a Newtonian Linguistics”
William Hatzberger, “Boswell’s London Journal, Lord Eglinton, and the Politics of Preferment”
Alan McKenzie, “Johnson’s ‘Life of Foucault’: A Patirody”
John J. Burke, Jr., “Response Essay: Jonathan Swift’s Crimes Against Humanity: Fact or Fiction?”
Chad Thomas, “Negotiating the Interregnum: The Political Works of Davenant and Tatham”
Miranda Wilson, “Building a Perfect Silence: The Use of Renaissance Architecture in Margaret Cavendish’s Bell in Campo”
Marlin E. Blaine, “The Poet’s Monument: Assessing the National Literary Tradition from Elizabethan Times to the Restoration Era”
Jack Lynch, “King Lear and ‘The Taste of the Age,’ 1681–1838”
Jennifer Vaught, “Masculinity and Affect in Shakespeare’s Winter’s Tale: Men of Feeling from the Renaissance through the Enlightenment”
Elaine Anderson Phillips, “Richardson Reads the Renaissance: The Use of Renaissance Narrative Theory in the Novels and Prefaces”
Book Reviews
David F. Venturo: Barbara Lewalski, The Life of John Milton: A Critical Biography
Perry Gethner: Michèle Longino, Orientalism in French Classical Drama
David F. Venturo: Michael Werth Gelber, The Just and the Lively: The Literary Criticism of John Dryden
James Noggle: Timothy Dykstal, The Luxury of Skepticism: Politics, Philosophy, and Dialogue in the English Public Sphere, 1660–1740
M. A. Box: James A. Herrick, The Radical Rhetoric of the English Deists: The Discourse of Skepticism, 1680–1750
Scott Paul Gordon: Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury, Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times ed. Philip Ayres; Shaftesbury, Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times, ed. Lawrence E. Klein; Shaftesbury, Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times, foreward by Douglas Den Uyk
Jack Lynch: Barbara Benedict, Curiosity: A Cultural History of Early Modern Inquiry
Janine Barchas: Leah Price, The Anthology and the Rise of the Novel from Richardson to George Eliot
Devoney Looser: Angela Keane, Women Writers and the English Nation in the 1790s: Romantic Belongings
Lance Wilcox: Annibel Jenkins, I’ll Tell You What: The Life of Elizabeth Inchbald
Lance Wilcox: Bruce Redford, Discovering the Life of Johnson
Heidi Kaufman: John Wiltshire, Recreating Jane Austen
Denise Vultee: Thomas McFarland, The Masks of Keats: The Endeavour of a Poet
Elizabeth A. Dolan: Roy Porter, Bodies Politic: Disease, Death, and Doctors in Britain, 1650–1900
Sandra Sherman: Thomas Sokoll, ed., Essex Pauper Letters 1731–1837
David Radcliffe: Jonathan Rose, The Intellectual Life of the British Working Classes
Editor’s Choice—Underapplauded Books: Paul H. Silverstone, The Sailing Navy 1785–1854; Davor Krapac, Dalibor Cepulo, Kraljica Marija Terezija, Neda Engelsfeld, and Željiko Pavic, Pravnie Fackultet u Zagrebu / Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, 1776–2001
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Volume 11
ISBN 0-404-64411-2
Editor: Kevin L. Cope
Book Review Editor: Scott Paul Gordon
Allan Ingram, “Steering Towards Sanity: The Compass Points of Madness in Eighteenth-Century Britain”
Jack Lynch, “Forgery as Performance Art: The Strange Case of George Psalmanazar”
W. Keith Percival, “Some Aspects of Jonathan Swift’s Perspective on Language”
Louis Cellauro, “Architects and Nature: The Theory of Imitation in Étienne-Louis Boulleé’s Essai sur l’Art”
Christiane Hertel, “Grotesques–Rocaille–Laocoön: ‘Remembering Nature’ in Winckelmann, Erdmannsdorff, Chodoweicki, and Goethe”
Waltraud Maierhofer, “‘Too Large for Our Northern Dwellings’: Self-Image and Portrait in Goethe’s Italian Journey”
David Williams, “The French Abolitionist Treatise in the Late Enlightenment: Examples of a Hybrid Genre”
John O’Neill, “Rambler and Cully: Rochester’s Satire and the Self-Preservation of the Rake”
Megan Conway, “Defining the French Rake: Crébillon fils and Les Égarements du coeur et de l’esprit”
Diana Solomon, “Anne Bracegirdle’s Breaches”
Wendy Arons, “Performance, Mobility, and the Domestication of Female Desire in The Belle’s Strategem”
Bärbel Czennia, “The Taming of the Rake: Congreve’s The Way of the World on the German Eighteenth-Century Stage”
Rachel Hammersley, “From Constitution-Builders to Radical Democrats: Neo-Harringtonians in Eighteenth-Century America and France”
Richard Samuelson, “An Empire Divided by Common Sense: The Paine-Hathaway Argument”
Paul A. Rahe, “Between Trust and Distrust: The Federalist and the Emergence of Modern Republican Constitutionalism”
Katherine Carté Engel, “Bridging the Gap: Religious Community and Declension in Eighteenth-Century Bethlehem, Pennsylvania”
Gail Bossenga, “Markets, the Patrimonial State, and the Originso of the French Revolution”
Margaret Case Croskery, “Review Essay: Alexander Pettit, ed., Selected Works of Eliza Haywood, Set I, Volumes 1–3, ‘Miscellaneous Writings, 1725–43’”
Book Reviews
Kimberly S. Latta: Blair Hoxby, Mammon’s Music: Literature and Economics in the Age of Milton
Heidi Kaufman: Adam Sutcliffe, Judaism and the Enlightenment
Peter S. Fosl: Alain Cabantous, Blasphemy: Impious SPeech in the West from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century
Andrew Barclay: Edward Corp, et. al, A Court in Exile: The Stuarts in France, 1698–1718
Anne Barbeau Gardiner: Eveline Cruickshanks and Howard Erskine-Hill, The Atterbury Plot
Thomas Mautner: Francis Hutcheson, An Inquiry into the Original of Our Ideas and Virtue ed. Wolfgang Leidhold; Hutcheson, An Essay on the Nature and Conduct of the Passions and Affections, with Illustrations, on the Moral Sense, ed. Aaron Garrett
Laura Rosenthal: Raymond Stephenson, The Yard of Wit: Male Creativity and Sexuality, 1650–1750
George Haggerty: Alexander Pettit and Patrick Spedding, eds., Eighteenth-Century British Erotica II
Anne Betty Weinshenker: Elise Goodman, ed., Art and Culture in the Eighteenth-Century: New Dimensions and Multiple Perspectives
John Morillo: Philip Smallwood, Reconstructing Criticism: Pope’s Essay on Criticism and the Logic of Definition
Tiffany Potter: G. Gabrielle Starr, Lyric Generations: Poetry and the Novel in the Long Eighteenth-Century
David H. Radcliffe: Jack Lynch, The Age of Elizabeth in the Age of Johnson
Jones DeRitter: Ellen Pollak, Incest and the English Novel
John O’Brien: Kathryn Temple, Scandal Nation: Law and Authorship in Britain, 1750–1832
Lance Wilcox: Gloria Sybill Gross, In a Fast Coach with a Pretty Woman: Jane Austen and Samuel Johnson
Steven Blakemore: Deborah Kennedy, Helen Maria Williams and the Age of Revolution
Joselyn Almeida-Beveridge: Debbie Lee, Slavery and the Romantic Imagination
Kim Wheatley: Stuart Peterfreund, Shelley Among Others: The Play of the Intertext and the Idea of Language
Didier Maleuve: Eric Gidal, Poetic Exhibitions: Romantic Aesthetics and the Pleasures of the British Museum
Irwin Primer: Alan Charles Kors, ed., Encyclopedia oF the Enlightenment
Editor’s Choice—Books of High Merit: Greg Clingham, Johnson, Writing, and Memory; Patrick Spedding, A bibliography of Eliza Haywood
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Volume 12
ISBN 0-404-64412-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-404-64412-3
Editor: Kevin L. Cope
Book Review Editor: Scott Paul Gordon
Scott Paul Gordon, “A New Latitude in the Culture Wars”
Theodore E. D. Braun, “Thinking Outside the Box: The Non-English Speaking World in the First Decade of 1650–1850”
J. T. Scanlan, “A Celebration”
Gregory L. Reece, “Hume and the Eternity of the World”
Michael F. Patton, Jr., “Hume and the End of Design”
Darian C. DeBolt, “Hume, Comte, and the Religion of Le Grande Être”
James W. Mock, “David Hume, ‘Of the Standard of Taste,’ and Aesthetic Theory”
E. M. Dadlez, “Dense Insensibility: Humean Vices and Virtues in the Work of Jane Austen”
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Volume 13
ISBN 0-404-64413-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-404-64413-0
Editor: Kevin L. Cope
Book Review Editor: Scott Paul Gordon
Cedric D. Reverand II, “John Dryden: Personal Concerns of the Impersonal Poet”
Jan Widmayer, “James Thomson and Landscape Iconography: ‘Instrumental in Diffusing a General Taste’”
William Gibson, “Smelfungus’s Strumpet: Smollett’s Iconoclastic Reading of the Medici Venus in Travels through Italy and France”
Alexander S. Gourlay, “On Allusion, Narrative, and Annunciation in Hogarth’s A Harlot’s Progress”
Robert G. Dryden, “‘Luck be a Lady Tonight’: Jane Austen’s Precarious Idealization of Naval Heroes in Persuasion”
Frieda Koeninger, “Charles IV of Spain: Opposing Perspectives on the Cuckolded King and His Long-Suffering Queen”
Darius Spieth, “Michel Rigo and Bonaparte’s Egyptian Campaign (1798–1801): Portraits of the Divan in Cairo”
Reading Bunyan’s Readers: New Essays on the Reception
of Bunyan’sPilgrim’s Progress
Edited and introduced by Ken Simpson
Isabel Hofmeyr, “The Pilgrim’s Progress as World Literature: John Bunyan and George Simeon Mwase in Nyasaland”
Arlette Zinck and Sylvia Brown, “The Pilgrim’s Progress Among Aboriginal Canadians: Missionary Translation of Bunyan into Cree and Inuktitut”
Robert G. Collmer, “Roman Catholic Versions of The Pilgrim’s Progress”
Mary Burke, “‘Of That Rank that is Meanest and Most Despised of All’: Victorian Romany Studies and the Recovery of John Bunyan’s ‘Gypsy’ Origins”
H. Clark Maddux, “Audience and the Layered Art of Method in John Bunyan’s The Life and Death of Mr. Badman and The Pilgrim’s Progress”
Calvin M. Peterson, “From Doctrine to Narrative and Back in The Pilgrim’s Progress”
Henry L. Snyder and Michael S. Smith, eds., The English Short-Title Catalogue: Past, Present, Future
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Volume 14
ISBN 0-404-64414-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-404-64414-7
Editor: Kevin L. Cope
Book Review Editor: Scott Paul Gordon
William J. Burling, “‘Aaron’s Serpent’: The Ideology of the ‘Master Passion’ in English Serious Drama, 1660–1800”
Br. Christopher Paul SSF, “Anne the Last and George the First: Händel and the Politics of Dynastic Succession”
Elaine M. McGirr, “A Question of Faith: Behn’s Engagement with the Rhetoric of 1688”
Margo Collins, “Feminine Identity in Eliza Haywood’s The Wife and The Husband”
Brigitte Glaser, “From the Center to the Periphery: The Changing Role of Dress in the Eighteenth-Century Novel”
Matthew Binney, “The Justice of Tom Jones: A Reevaluation of Henry Fielding’s Moral Theory”
Sandra Sherman, “The Spirituality of Trees in Later Seventeenth-Century Horticulture”
Michael Rotenberg-Schwartz, “Some Further Thoughts on ‘Organic Georgics,’ Or, The Politics and Poetics of Johnson’s Manure”
Isabelle C. DeMarte and J. M. Fritzman, “Diderot’s Uncle, Hegel, Or, Rameau’s Nephew as a Branch of The Phenomenology of the Spirit”
Randolph Runyon, “Montesquieu’s Persian Chain Letters: A New Solution to the Riddle”
Research Report
Isobel Grundy, Susan Brown, and Patricia Clements, “ORLANDO: The Marriage of Literary History and Humanities Computing”
Special Feature
Jacobite Travelers and Fellow-Travelers
Edited and Introduced by Anne Barbeau Gardiner Neil Guthrie, “‘A Polish Lady’: The Art of the Jacobite Print”
Edward Corp, “From the Court to the Colonies: Jacobites over the Water”
Marsha Keith Schuchard, “Jacobites and Freemasons in Sweden: Esoteric Intelligence and Exoteric Politics”
Book Reviews
David Hill Radcliffe: Aileen Ribeiro, Fashion and Fiction: Dress in Art and Literature in Stuart England
Thomas Mautner: Daniel Carey, Locke, Shaftesbury, and Hutcheson: Contesting Diversity in the Enlightenment and Beyond
Irwin Primer: Jonathan I. Israel, Enlightenment Contested: Philosophy, Modernity, and the Emancipation of Man, 1670–1752
Kirke Combe: Howard D. Weinbrot, Menippean Satire Reconsidered: From Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century
George E. Haggerty: Karen Harvey, Reading Sex in the Eighteenth Century: Bodies and Gender in English Erotic Culture
Maximillian Novak: John Richetti, The Life of Daniel Defoe
Cheryl L. Nixon: Helen Thompson, Ingenuous Subjection: Compliance and Power in the Eighteenth-Century Domestic Novel
Anne Barbeau Gardiner: Geoffrey Plank, Rebellion and Savagery: The Jacobite Rising of 1745 and the British Empire
Lance Bertelsen: John Allen Stevenson, The Real History of Tom Jones
Susanne B. Keller: Theodore E. D. Braun and John Radner, The Lisbon Earthquake of 1755: Representations and Reactions
John Sainsbury: Arthur H. Cash, John Wilkes: The Scandalous Father of Civil Liberty
Michael J. Franklin: Nicholas Dirks, The Scandal of Empire: India and the Creation of Imperial Britain
Ross J. Pudaloff: Vincent Carretta, Equiano, the African: Biography of a Self-Made Man
Lance Wilcox: Helen Deutsch, Loving Dr. Johnson
Cheryl Wanko: Daniel O’Quinn, Staging Governance: Theatrical Imperialism in London, 1770–1800
Paul Keen: William St. Clair, The Reading Nation in the Romantic Period
Kim Wheatley: Andrew M. Stauffer, Anger, Revolution, and Romanticism
Click to jump to volume 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, or 16.
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Volume 15
ISBN 0-404-64414-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-404-64414-7
Editor: Kevin L. Cope
Book Review Editor: Scott Paul Gordon
Steven Minuk, “The ‘Sincere Hand and Faithful Eye’ of Marvell’s Last Instructions to a Painter”
Deborah Needleman Armintor, “‘From this Time, I shall Survey Myself in the Glass with a Sort of Philosophical Pleasure’: Newton and Narcissism in Sir Isaac Newton’s Philosophy Explain’d for the Use of the Ladies”
Kenneth Chong, “Faith and Reason: Warning the Reader in The Pilgrim’s Progress”
Katherine O’Donnell, “Edmund Burke, Cúirteanna Éigse, and Literary Clubs ”
Pramod K. Nayar, “The Rhetoric of Ruin: William Hodges’s India”
Arnd Bohm, “Unnatural Conjugation in Tristram Shandy”
Frederick S. Frank, “A Concordance of Bosoms: Reconstructing Lewis’s Monk”
Special Feature
Critical Voices: Humor, Irony, and Passion
in the Literary Critics of the Long Eighteenth Century
Edited and Introduced by Philip Smallwood
Tom Mason, “Abraham Cowley’s Amiability ”
David Roberts, “‘Almost Impossible in Praise’: Dedicatory Criticism in English Dramatic Texts of the Seventeenth Century”
Cedric D. Reverand II, “The Epic Dryden Never Wrote”
Min Wild, “‘The Bottom of All Things’: Christopher Smart’s Old Crone of Criticism”
Philip Smallwood, “Voice and Laughter in Johnson’s Criticism”
Adam Rounce, “Joseph Warton’s Enthusiams”
Book Reviews
Blair Hoxby: Balachandra Rajan, Milton and the Climates of Reading
Grant Tapsell: Clare Haynes, Pictures and Popery: Art and Religion in England, 1660–1760
Tony Claydon: Jason McElligot, ed., Fear, Exclusion and Revolution: Roger Morrice and Britain in the 1680s
Anna Battigelli: Michael Mullet, gen. ed., English Catholicism, 1680–1830
Janice Turner: Jeannine Hurd-Eamon, Gender and Petty Violence in London, 1680–1720
Mona Scheuermann: Alysa Levene, gen. ed., Narratives of the Poor in Eighteenth-Century Britain
Andrew O’Malley: Anja Müller, ed., Fashioning Childhood in the Eighteenth Century: Age and Identity
Jones DeRitter: Peter Thomson, The Cambridge Introduction to English Theatre. 1660–1900
Lance Bertelsen: John Allen Stevenson, The Real History of Tom Jones
Misty G. Anderson: Jean I. Marsden, Fatal Desire: Women, Sexuality, and the English Stage
Alison Conway: Laura J. Rosenthal, Infamous Commerce: Prostitution in Eighteenth-Century British Literature and Culture
Mary Ann Rooks: Patricia Meyer Spacks, Novel Beginnings: Experiments in Eighteenth-Century English Fiction
Susan Carlile: Temma Berg, The Lives and Letters of an Eighteenth-Century Circle of Acquaintance
Abby L. Coykendall: Lynn Festa, Sentimental Figures of Empire in Eighteenth-Century Britain and France
Sean D. Moore: Clement Hawes, The British Eighteenth Century and Global Critique
Peter S. Fosl: Judith Jennings, Gender, Religion, and Radicalism in the Long Eighteenth Century
Marilyn Morris: Jeremy Black, George III: America’s Last King
Jonathan Conlin: John Sainsbury, John Wilkes: The Lives of a Libertine
Leonard Levin: Abraham B. Socher, The Radical Enlightenment of Solomon Maimon: Judaism, Heresy, and Philosophy
Nikolai Slywka: Marshall Brown, The Gothic Text
Robert M. Ryan: Daniel E. White, Early Romanticism and Religious Dissent
Alison Hickey: Jack Stillinger, Romantic Complexity: Keats, Coleridge, and Wordsworth
Click to jump to volume 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, or 15.
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Volume 16
ISBN 0-404-64416-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-404-64416-1
Editor: Kevin L. Cope
Book Review Editor: Scott Paul Gordon
Nancy Cox and Karin Dannehl, “Colors in Trade: The Palette of the Goods and Commodities of Early-Modern England”
Yu Liu, “The Catalyst for Change: Chinese Sharawadgi and English Hortricultural Naturalism”
Rosamaria Loretelli, “David Hume’s Reader-Response Narratology: A New Perspective on the Rise of the Novel”
Deborah Kennedy, “British Portraits of Women Reading”
Lisa Moody, “Edmond Hoyle’s Treatises on Whist: Literary Piracy in the Eighteenth Century”
Roger D. Lund, “‘The Filagree Game’: Imitations and Mock Form in Pope’s Pastorals”
Jean-Paul Forster, “From Cartographic to Topographic Representations of the Sea”
Merlin E. Blaine, “The Representative Body, the Severed Head, and the Rump: Figurations of the English State, 1640–1662”
Norbert Col, “Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France: Cross-Channel Representations”
Special Feature
Horace Walpole: Beyond The Castle of Otranto
Edited and Introduced by Peter Sabor
George E. Haggerty, “Horace Walpole and Horace Mann: Parties and Politics”
Stephen Clarke, “Horace Walpole’s Architectural Taste”
Heinz-Joachim Muellenbrock, “Horace Walpole’s Place in the Historiography of the English Landscape Garden”
Earle Havens, “‘Books, Antiquity, and Virtu’: Horace Walpole’s Antiquarian Book Collecting”
Marcie Frank, “Horace Walpole’s Theatricality”
Laurie Baudot, “A Voyage of Un-Discovery: Deciphering Horace Walpole’s Hieroglyphic Tales”
Book Reviews
Anna Battigelli: Craig Kallendorf, The Other Virgil: Pessimistic Readings of the Aeneid in Early-Modern Culture
Linda A. Pollock: Gillian Darley, John Evelyn: Living for Ingenuity
Catie Gill: Vera J. Camden, ed., Trauma and Transformation: The Poltical Progress of John Bunyan
Patricia B. Craddock: D. N. DeLuna, ed., The Political Imagination in History: Essays Concerning J. G. A. Pocock
Heidi Kaufman: David B. Ruderman, Connecting the Covenants: Judaism and the Search for Christian Identity in Eighteenth-Century England
Alison O’Byrne: Erik Bond, Reading London: Urban Speculation and Imaginative Government in Eighteenth-Century Literature
Lance Wilcox: Eric Rasmussen and Aaron Santesso, eds., Comparative Excellence: New Essays on Shakespeare and Johnson
Alexander Murdoch: Kenneth McNeil, Scotland, Britain, and Empire: Writing the Highlands, 1760–1860
Rose A. Zimbardo: April C. E. Langley, The Black Aesthetic Unbound: Theorizing the Dilemma of Eighteenth-Century African-American Literature
Erik Bond: Emily Cockayne, Hubbub: Filth, Noise, and Stench in England, 1600–1770
Deborah Kennedy: Michael Allen, ed., An English Lady in Paris: The Diary of Frances Anne Crew 1786
Irwin Primer: Malcolm Jack, Lisbon, City of the Sea: A History
Linda C. Mitchell: Eve Tavor Bannett, Empire of Letters: Letter Manuals and Transatlantic Correspondence, 1688–1820
Jocelyn Harris: Jan Fergus, Provincial Readers in Eighteenth-Century England
Tobias Menely: Ron Broglio, Technologies of the Picturesque: British Art, Poetry, and Instruments, 1750–1830
Melanie Byrd: John Ray, The Rosetta Stone and the Rebirth of Egypt
Colin Jager: Janet Todd, The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen
Emma Mason: Colin Jager, The Book of God: Secularization and Design in the Romantic Era
Melanie Byrd: Darius Spieth, Napoleon’s Sorcerers: The Sophisians
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